Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sad Goodbye...

Well, we survived another semester! It is always hard to see my students go after everything that we have learned and experienced together. As you can tell from this blog, they have accomplished so much, and I'm very proud of everything they have made and learned.

BUT, I am excited for a new semester with new students and a new prospect! Some of the recipes may stay the same, but I think we'll try a few new ones :). Good luck to everyone in their cooking endeavors! I'll miss you all!

Miss Dowse

Microwave Brownies

This was a new recipe that the 9th graders tried out. For the most part, it turned out great.

Warning: Some students found out the hard way that when they DON"T read the recipe all the way through and follow directions EXACTLY, things don't work out :)

Microwave Brownies

2/3 C. butter or margarine
½ C. sugar
½ C. brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 C flour
1/3 C unsweetened cocoa
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
3/4 C chopped nuts (optional

May use powdered sugar or frosting on top

1. Spray an 8” or 9” square microwavable dish with non-stick spray. Put butter in a medium sized microwavable bowl and microwave, uncovered 20-30 seconds until softened.

2. Stir in sugar and brown sugar until blended.

3. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until well blended.

4. Add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt and stir just until moistened.

5. Stir in nuts (optional)

6. Spread batter evenly in dish. Place dish on an inverted small microwavable plate in microwave oven.

7. Microwave, uncovered for 5 ½ - 7 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

8. Rotate dish one fourth turn every 2 minutes. After 5 ½ minutes check every 30 seconds

9. Cover dish with waxed paper and cool on a wire rack 10 minutes.

10. Remove waxed paper and cool brownies completely.


For their final in this class, the 8th graders made homemade pizza without any help at all from me. I was proud to see how much they had learned and accomplished in my class! Good work students! The pizza was wonderful, as all the other classes around would testify to, because they got to smell it all day :)


1/2 C warm water
1 1/2 Tbsp yeast
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
1 Tbsp oil
2 C flour (might need more)

  1. Combine water, yeast, and sugar in mixer bowl.
  2. Add salt, egg, oil, and 1 cup flour and mix well with wire whisk attachment in kitchen aid
  3. Switch to the dough hook and add remaining flour as needed to make a workable dough. Knead about 50 times by hand.
  4. Roll out in a greased pizza pan and add toppings
  5. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until crust is golden

1/2 C sauce
1 C cheese
10-15 pepperonis
Green peppers