Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Track Coach?

DFJH Track Coaches

Anyone out there who knows me knows that I don't like to run. Ever. That didn't save me when I was asked to help assistant coach the track team - long distance. Scary, right? Well, needless to say, I signed up with a good attitude knowing that I was going to earn a few extra bucks, meet some new great students, and hey, get in shape! All of the above happened :)

We have had a great season, bundling up in windy snow and rain storms and enjoying sunny days. I can honestly say that I have LOVED this experience, and am SO PROUD of my track kids! They worked hard and did a fabulous job. We had incredibly fast sprinters (#1 boy in the district on the 100m!) as well as strong endurance distance runners. I really can't complain! And what am I doing with my "few extra bucks"? Caribbean here I come!!! So worth every minute, and hey - I might even sign up again next year.... maybe :) Go DFJHSTAF!!!

Luca in his "snuggie" trying to stay warm on the bus

Josie and Gentry in the 800m

Track team trying to hide from the rain in tents and under bleachers! Good thing I brought my bright green duck umbrella :)

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